Let’s do this, #dungeon23!

My plan was to not plan anything. I wanted to wait until this morning to just draw a square room and improvise its contents. But I still have the flu and got some ideas in the last couple days. I only committed the map outline to paper like an hour to the new year so let’s call this close enough.

The next few days will test my low friction procedures for low energy brains, at least!

Attaching the scans of my first pages in their original state. As you can see, the Frixion felt pens are comfy to write with but they’re not really compatible with Rocketbook. I’ll repost as I redo them. Speaking of, I won’t post every day with my progress or lack thereof. I’ll have the room descriptions, the map and key, and the factions/NPCs in their own single posts that I’ll edit regularly (and postdate if it gets too messy).

edit 11-2-23: Removing the barely legible scans from below. I’ve stopped using the Rocketbook following a minor spill incident and switched to a real paper notebook. I’ll post scans or photos of January soon.

1 January 2023